Going Back Home for the Holidays

 You Will Not Gain Meaning By Traveling The World | Thought Catalog

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Going Back Home and the Holidays

By: Bella DeFranco 

It's around the time for the holidays, and as a first year college student, you're excited but also maybe confused about going back home. You've become so acclimated to being in a new environment and trying to make college feel like your second home, or somewhat homey. 

From personal experience, going back home for the first time for the holidays whether it's Thanksgiving, Christmas, or even spring break felt beyond weird. But, my best advice is to sit in the confusion and talk about it. It is completely okay to express these emotions because even now being a second year it's always a weird back and forth from home to school. 
13 Things Parents of College-Bound Students Need to Do
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Your parents or loved ones are ecstatic to have you back and also feeling the same emotions of adjusting to you being back for however long. Yet, when you leave it can create that first initial feelings of homesickness you had when you first arrived at college. But, ground yourself and know you have already acclimated before and this will get easier to become your new normal

Your room might not even feel the same and that's totally okay. Your hometown will feel different, maybe even smaller. Seeing your hometown friends may also feel different, since you guys are all now on similar but different paths.

That is called growth and you should be proud of it. Even if you feel you're falling short to it because of negative seeming emotions, you are still growing from this change and uncomfortableness. 

Then, sooner than later, going back home almost feels like a treat. You accept it may feel a bit different or awkward at first to adjust. But, accepting you get your room, get to be fed properly, maybe even be lucky enough to have your laundry done for you. The familiarity starts to feel like a nice reward from all your hard work when you're at college. 
Growth Mindset Moments | Faculty Focus
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Word Count: 318


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