Emotional Turmoil
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Emotional Turmoil
By: Bella DeFranco
Emotions, we all have them. You can feel happy, sad, angry, confused, or anywhere in between. Sometimes you feel an emotion that you don't even know how to label or how it's even making you feel. You get such a disturbance in your daily life because of them. You try to suppress them but you aren't quite sure how to. Big changes in life can also be disturbances to your daily routine, that ultimately does send you into a turmoil. But, everything is only temporary.
Moving to college is strange. It's a whole bunch of unfamiliar and if you are like me, you may be intimidated or struggle with the idea of change altering your life. However, change is not bad as much as it can be hard to accept that mindset, I promise you it is not all entirely bad.
You will be moving away from your parents or guardians for the first time, living on your own in an unfamiliar location, city, or state with a roommate you may or may not be close with. You also have to add in the fact you are a college student now, yes, you need to maintain your grades and classes on top of all this. You will feel social pressures to meet new friends, make new friends, go out to parties, potentially join Greek life etc. etc.

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That is a lot, I know. But, everyone goes through it that surrenders themselves to the journey of going to college. I certainly did, and I struggled with homesickness to social pressures but, I grew so much from it. I love where I am at now and I can pat myself on the back for getting to this point. My number one piece of advice though is, never be afraid to ask for help. Sometimes, we get stubborn or too over determined trying to hit the finish line of our own expectations. Asking for help is a strength, a lily pad to jump on in order to get across the pond towards your destination. Help can be in the form of reaching out to your universities wellness center, friends, family, your professor etc. They will be there for you.

Above image: a-15-minute-meditation-for-self-acceptance
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