Academic Management How To's
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College Academic Management How To's
By: Bella DeFranco
Obviously, the most important part about college is the academics. To burst any bubble right now, it is different from high school and most education experiences you've had before it. It will advance your level of independence in academics just as much as going to college does for yourself as a whole. To be brutally honest, there's barely any hand holding but it's the most rewarding experience after being humbled.
Being a freshman in college, you have your GE classes that everyone has to complete before major focused upper division classes. These to me are like more difficult courses where the topics covered are those you brief in high school. They are either in regular classrooms or in big auditoriums where it's 40 people compared to 130 people.

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This can be overwhelming and intimidating at first from finding where your classes even are, to then how they operate. But, go with the flow and take it a day at a time which leads to you truly getting the hang of it. Every one else is in your shoes even older year college students go through the academic adjustment phase to new classes.
I recommend and what saved me even still now as a sophomore in college is having a planner. It can be electronically or physical copy, but having everything listed out on what to do with school is a life saver. You can color code it too which makes it easier to know what to do for what class. Overall, helping the adjustment to college courses.
Make sure you go to your classes. It's easy to slip into the skipping of class especially as a freshman, most students go through a slump as they adjust to college life which affect their grades. Complete your assignments on time, this better prepares you for college exams too. College exams are not the ones to cram the night before studying truly, and of course this shows in your grade.
Lastly, don't be afraid to reach out for help. Professors are not meant to be scary, they want to help you and have you succeed in the course not only for themselves but at most for you. Therefore, you will actually be knowing what to do in order to correctly complete the course and its expectations.

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Word Count: 370
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